February 23: 4th Anniversary of the Vicious Racially Motivated Murder of Ahmaud Arbery

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Barbara Arnwine Esq and Daryl Jones Esq Invite YOU to join us Friday February 23rd at 7:00 PM EST for the National Tele-Town Hall Panel Discussion in Commemoration of the 4th Anniversary of the Vicious Racially Motivated Murder of Ahmaud Arbery. Panelist include TJC Leadership and will feature Marcus Arbery (Father) and Family of the late Ahmaud Arbery, Attorney Gerald Griggs, Professor Maureen Edobor, Carl Snowden, Devan Vilfrard and Dr. Omekongo Dibinga. Join us at Facebook Live www.facebook.com/TJC.DC and on YouTube @thetransformativejusticeco6890.

Prayer Vigil and Rally for the Arbery Family

Barbara and Daryl invite the Igniting Change audience to join them on Wednesday, March 27th in Atlanta, Georgia for the Transformative Justice Coalition and Allies’ Prayer Vigil and Rally for the Arbery Family that is occurring prior to oral arguments before the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals by the murderers of Ahmuad Arbery seeking to […]