The Transformative Justice Coalition Team – Board Members






Barbara R. Arnwine, Esq.
President & Founder


Barbara R. Arnwine, Esq, President & Founder of the Transformative Justice Coalition, is internationally renowned for contributions on critical justice issues including the passage of the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1991 and the 2006 reauthorization of provisions of the Voting Rights Act. Currently, she also serves as Co-Chair and Facilitator of the National Commission for Voter Justice, the Millennial Votes Matters Convenings and the Voting Rights Alliance.

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Daryl Jones, Esq.
Board Chair


Creator and Chair, Maryland’s Parren J. Mitchell Dinner & Salute; Member, Local Development Council for Live Casino [promotes community enhancements and community programs]; Member, Take Back Our Street, Inc.; Advisor, Maryland Caucus of African American Leaders.

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Brenda Harding, Esq.
Attorney and Consultant


Brenda Ford Harding, Esq. is an attorney and consultant in Durham, N.C. She works extensively in the voting rights area, specifically using different strategies to ensure the citizens of North Carolina have the ability to vote and working on “Get Out to Vote” campaigns. As an extension of her work with the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights under the Law (LCCRUL), she continues to educate and develop strategies on diversity of the judiciary and independence of judges. Brenda received a B.A. in Biology from Boston University and received her Juris Doctor from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

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Brian Mccoy
Founder and President of BDM
Sports & Education Foundation



Brian McCoy is the Founder and President of BDM Sports & Education Foundation, (BDMS&E) based in Chicago, Illinois which was established in 2014 to provide access to the “Business World” of sports for students and student-athletes to expose and educate them to the business side of professional sports. The goal of its programming is designed to stretch and broaden the students’ scope of thinking, in terms of educational, career, and life choices…thereby shifting their focus and direction into more positive/productive directions.

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Delores Huerta
Co-founded what would become
the United Farm Workers


Dolores Huerta is an activist and labor leader who co-founded what would become the United Farm Workers. Who Is Dolores Huerta? Dolores Huerta has worked to improve social and economic conditions for farm workers and to fight discrimination. To further her cause, she created the Agricultural Workers Association (AWA) in 1960 and co-founded what would become the United Farm Workers (UFW). Huerta stepped down from the UFW in 1999, but she continues her efforts to improve the lives of workers, immigrants and women.

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Dr. Luke Harris
Director of Programs and chairman
of the Board of Directors of the African
American Policy Forum


Dr. Luke C. Harris, Director of Programs and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the African American Policy Forum, is an Associate Professor of American Politics and Constitutional Law. He clerked for the late A. Leon Higginbotham Jr., the distinguished scholar and former Chief Judge of the US Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit; and he served as a Fulbright Scholar to England at the University of Warwick, School of Law.

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Lawrence H. Parks

Lawrence H. Parks (Larry) is a co-founder of Forethought Advisors – an advocacy, lobbying and strategic corporate solutions firm – specializing in financial services. Prior to establishing Forethought Advisors Mr. Parks was Senior Vice President, External and Legislative Affairs for the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco (FHLBSF). In that
position, Mr. Parks worked with Congress, the Administration, the Federal Housing Finance Agency, member financial institutions, national housing and community development advocates as well as local business and civic organizations to shape the future legislative, regulatory, and policy environment in which the Bank operates.

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Judith Abrams
Tony & Oliver Award
Winning Producer


Judith Ann Abrams began producing career as the Founder/Producer of the famed family  musical company. The Broadway Pixie Judy Troupe, dubbed by Liz Smith as “that 30-year, show-biz-for-kids-phenomenon.” The Troupe played throughout the US, in London & at the White House, performing for the children of two Presidents.

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Terry O’Neill, Esq.
Feminist Attorney,
Professor and Activist for Social Justice


Terry O’Neill, Esq., a feminist attorney, professor, and activist for social justice were elected president of NOW in June 2009. She is also president of the NOW Foundation and chair of the NOW Political Action Committee and serves as the principal spokesperson for all three entities. O’Neill oversees NOW’s multi-issue agenda, which includes: advancing reproductive rights and justice, promoting racial justice, stopping violence against women, winning civil and human rights for the LGBTQIA community, ensuring economic justice, ending sex discrimination and achieving constitutional equality for w 

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Harvey Wasserman
Host of Green Power and Wellnes Hour


Harvey Wasserman brings to the air his half-century of joyous activism on issues ranging from peace, civil rights, legal cannabis and human liberties to No Nukes, election protection, people’s history, natural healing and much more. Fukushima, about which he has written extensively and continuously, has deepened Harvey’s focus on shutting the nuke power industry and winning a Solartopian green-powered Earth. Harvey has served as senior advisor to Greenpeace USA, for whom he spoke to 350,000 semi-conscious rock fans at Woodstock 2 (1994).

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Dianne Wilkerson
First African American Female to serve
in the Massaschusetts Senate

 In 1993, she became the first African American female to serve in the Massachusetts Senate. She lost the September 2008 Democratic primary to Sonia Chang-Díaz, and on October 31, 2008, announced that she was ending her sticker campaign to seek re-election in the November 4, 2008, election. On November 19, 2008, Wilkerson formally resigned from the Massachusetts state Senate.

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Louis A. Elisa, II
Elector to the Masschusetts Electoral College


An Elector to the Massachusetts Electoral College, the Honorable Louis A. Elisa served as the Executive Secretary of the Seaport Advisory Council, Director of Port Development for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Office of the Lieutenant Governor, from 2007-2015. Before being tapped by Governor Patrick, Louis served as a Special Assistant and advisor to Boston City Councilor, Charles C. Yancey.

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Dr. Karen McRae
President and CEO of the National
Organization of Concerned Black Men,CBM Inc.


Dr. Karen McRae is the President and CEO of the National Organization of Concerned Black Men, (CBM) Inc. she is the first female to serve in this position. Before CBM, Karen served as the fundraising director for Church World Service, executive director of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, and executive director of the organization founded by Dr. Carter G. Woodson, founder of Black History Month, the Association for Study of Afro-American Life, and History. She has also served as executive director of one of the nation’s leading organizations comprised of senior African American corporate executives of Fortune 500 companies.

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Transformative Justice Coalition



